The 2009 Collegiate Inventors Competition is now accepting applications! This prestigious program shines a spotlight on deserving researchers and innovators early in their careers in an effort to provide support and inspiration to those who have tremendous potential to make the world healthier, the economy stronger, and the planet safer. Go for more information and to download the application.
Grand Prize $25,000
Top Undergraduate Prize $15,000
Top Graduate Prize $15,000
Up to 12 Finalists will be selected to advance to the final judging round. Each will 1) receive an all-expense trip to the final judging round and awards ceremony 2) meet and present their work to a distinguished panel of judges and 3) receive a $2000 cash prize per team. Advisors to the Grand Prize, Top Undergraduate and Top Graduate Prize winners will also be awarded a cash prize. The presenting sponsors of this year’s Competition are the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the Abbott Fund.
You can find an informational brochure on the 2009 CIC at:
Questions? Please email or call Joyce Ward at 800.968.4332, ext. 6951 for guidance on the advisor requirement, invention summary, the patent search or any other parts of the application. Not sure whether your project is actually an "invention", call or email
Don't miss this incredible opportunity. All applications must be postmarked by June 16, 2009.
Thanks for the info Erin-Michael. The deadline should be June 16, 2009.
Good catch. Thanks. EMG
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